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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New and Improved

I have not checked in on this blog in a very long time. A great deal has changed since that time, including myself. I have discovered problem areas in my past and have made great strides in improving in areas of my life. I left my cheating and negative husband after he decided to once again cheat with his ex. While I was 5 months pregnant with our son who is now 9 months old no less. Once he, and his negativity were gone, I found that life is so much better! Apparently most of my issue stemmed from being engulfed in his negative nature and now that he is out of the picture I am more positive then ever. I started dating again, which has been great and I am now in school for something that I am passionate about instead of what I am told I should do. I got an awesome job as a front gate photographer at the Detroit Zoo with Kaman's Art Shoppes and am looking forward to a possible promotion. However, life is not without it's challenges and I am still attempting to get the money together for my own place. The down side of my awesome job is that the pay and hours are not great, so it looks as though I will have to bite the bullet and get a craptastic job in order to get my own place and pay the bills.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The state of Michigan as it is right now, is kind of sad. The crime rate is up and jobs are down as most people know. Whats worse is that even people that have gone back to school in order to get a job are out of work. I as a Medical Assistant am no exception to this statistic. I myself am unemployed just like 20% or more of the population. I went back to school to get a better paying job so that I could support my family. Unfortunately for me, thanks to the state unemployment offices, people believe that Medical Assistant positions are many. This is no longer true thanks to those very same offices essentially flooding that job market to the point that these jobs are no longer demanding more employees. In addition to that, even if I do find a job in my profession, the salary for this demanding job is significantly lower then basically all other states. So in that regard my degree is pretty much useless and I am currently applying for any job ranging from fast food to sales and receptionist jobs just to get some sort of paycheck. Also in Michigan or anywhere else for that matter, people cannot even afford a crappy apartment because they have decided to raise rent. People that can't afford these ridiculous rent charges think, hey maybe I will buy a house would be cheaper. While this is true, the people who's credit is suffering from this recession also cannot get a mortgage. After the bailout for banks, instead of making it easier for people to get a house it is even harder. Instead of lowering the credit score required to get a mortgage the banks raised it by 100 points. What I would like to know is where is the supposed government while all of us are getting screwed by large corporations even after we bailed them out? We are getting taxed to the point that people are losing their houses and more people have to live with relatives to survive. Where is our bailout!?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why can't the past stay there?

I can't help wondering why certain people can't let go of the people of their past. It isn't a bad thing unless the people in question are effecting your current everyday life. I try to get past it and not let it bother me, but I have found it impossible. There is a reason these people are in your past. Maybe you need to remind yourself why that is...get back to me when you figure it out.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Heat Wave

The heat is insane today! The air conditioning isn't even keeping the house cool. Class tomorrow is going to be brutal if this keeps up!

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Nana

Today was my Nana's mastectomy. The surgeon said that they got all of the cancer and that there wasn't any in her lymph nodes. My dad is going to call me tomorrow with an update because she will be asleep all night.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Illustration Fundamentals

Well I finished inking my first assignment. It looks pretty good. It turned out much better then I thought it would. Now all that's left to do is mount it onto the illustration board. I'll post a pic of it soon :)

My Printer Has Issues

So I woke up this morning at 630 so that I could print out my 2009 Tax Return so that I can turn it in to the Financial Aid office. My printer decided to go completely nuts. First it jammed at least 7 times, and then when I finally got it to stop jamming, it decided to print the jobs I cancelled. This would have been fine, but it printed them in printer language instead of English. *sigh* I wasted a quarter of a brand new ink cartridge on nothing :( Well this is my mini-rant for the week, I'm sure I'll post something more interesting later.